XenForo Media Gallery 2.0.5 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Media Gallery 2.0 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.0.5 include:
XenForo Media Gallery requires XenForo 2.0.0 or later.
All customers with active licenses may now download the new version from the customer area.
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.0.5 include:
- Add some missing uninstall steps
- When viewing a reported media item, show the media item.
- Fix typo in viewModeratedAlbums permission check.
- When editing an album/media item ensure that the description can be empited.
- Reduce query count when viewing albums/media items.
- When viewing an album, fix selected filters not displaying when filters are applied.
- Avoid content breaking out of the album/media item view columns.
- Display a more graceful error when a custom thumbnail upload fails for some reason.
- Prevent album/media item inline mod checkboxes showing through certain other elements.
- Ensure users without permission to add comments can still access certain comment links.
- Use the "full" URL when handling links used in the "SimpleHtml" renderer (mostly emails).
- report_content_xfmg_media
- xfmg_album_view
- xfmg_comment_macros
- xfmg_media_edit_image
- xfmg_media_list_macros
- xfmg_media_view
XenForo Media Gallery requires XenForo 2.0.0 or later.
All customers with active licenses may now download the new version from the customer area.