Shows activity of Administrative and Moderating user groups. This add-on allows site owners to quickly see how active their staff members are.
Tiện ích bổ sung này cho phép chủ sở hữu trang web nhanh chóng xem các nhân viên của họ hoạt động như thế nào. Hiển thị hoạt động của nhóm người dùng Quản trị và Kiểm duyệt.
(Example of Staff activity link)
(Example of Staff activity page)
(Example of filter page)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
This determines which user group can view the Staff activity page. Normally only the Administrative user group is set to Yes.
Database changes:
A table called xf_andy_staff_activity is added to your database.
Questions and Answers:
Q: When will the Thread views start counting?
A: The Thread views counter starts after the add-on has been installed.
Q: Will the xf_andy_staff_activity table be automatically pruned?
A: Yes. A Cron entry will prune to the days entry located in the Options page.
Shows activity of Administrative and Moderating user groups. This add-on allows site owners to quickly see how active their staff members are.
Tiện ích bổ sung này cho phép chủ sở hữu trang web nhanh chóng xem các nhân viên của họ hoạt động như thế nào. Hiển thị hoạt động của nhóm người dùng Quản trị và Kiểm duyệt.
(Example of Staff activity link)
(Example of Staff activity page)
(Example of filter page)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
- All phrases start with staffactivity_ for your convenience.
- Download and unzip it.
- Copy the src/addons/Andy/StaffActivity directory to your server.
- From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
This determines which user group can view the Staff activity page. Normally only the Administrative user group is set to Yes.
Database changes:
A table called xf_andy_staff_activity is added to your database.
Questions and Answers:
Q: When will the Thread views start counting?
A: The Thread views counter starts after the add-on has been installed.
Q: Will the xf_andy_staff_activity table be automatically pruned?
A: Yes. A Cron entry will prune to the days entry located in the Options page.