Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme

WP Themes Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 5.4.1

Version 5.4.1 (Jul 06th.2020)

+ Added: Porto Elementor recent portfolios widget
+ Added: Porto Elementor Circular Bar widget
+ Added: font size, font weight, letter spacing, padding and extra class input fields for Porto WPBakery Button element
+ Added: a margin bottom field for Porto Elementor Counter widget
- Fixed: Image lazyload issue in Owl Carousel with infinite loop
- Fixed: some order by fields were not working for products, blog and portfolio elements
- Fixed: Porto popup menu type wasn't working on mobile for some header preset types
- Fixed: Elementor plugin compatibility issue after enabling pre order without activating WooCommerce plugin
- Fixed: Porto section scroll element's touch scrolling issue on large touch screens
- Fixed: some Elementor's widgets which are using JavaScript were not working when they were placed in a Porto block and it was placed in a page which wasn't edited using Elementor
- Fixed: Porto Elementor recent members widget's view type wasn't working
- Fixed: Porto Ultimate Carousel element wasn't working
- Fixed: Porto product categories Gutenberg block's grid view wasn't working well in Gutenberg editor
Version 5.3.0 (April 10th.2020)

+ Added: Elementor Classic Original demo
+ Added: Elementor Construction demo
+ Added: Elementor Shop 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 20, 22 and 26 demos
+ Added: Gutenberg Classic Original demo
+ Added: Gutenberg Shop 1, 2, 4 and 26 demos
+ Added: Pre-Order functionality to offer customers the chance to purchase the out of stock products and receive them only after they are officially on sale
+ Added: My Account and Wishlist Icon at the top of header side type
+ Added: a theme option under Woocommerce to display product price and add to cart for the selected user roles only
+ Added: My Account and Wishlist Icon elements to header builder
+ Added: a theme option under Skin -> Mini Cart to set the font size of minicart icon
+ Added: an option to hide breadcrumbs for Porto Page Header element
+ Added: Masonry Container, Heading, Button and Porto Section and Porto Product Categories Gutenberg Blocks
+ Added: Portfolio, Carousel, Banner, Creative Grid and Button Elementor widgets
+ Added: Parallax background for Elementor Section and Column elements
+ Added: Porto Studio compatibility with the Elementor page builder
+ Added: Porto Studio button at the bottom of Elementor editor

- Updated: Shop Demo 5
- Updated: Shop Demo 10
- Updated: Shop Demo 12
- Updated: Shop Demo 17
- Updated: Shop Demo 18
- Updated: Shop Demo 19
- Updated: Shop Demo 20
- Updated: documentation by adding articles of Elementor, Gutenberg, Pre-Order, Porto features, how to, demos and videos
- Updated: Interactive Banner Gutenberg block by adding layer

- Fixed: minor style issues of some elements on WPBakery Front-end editor
- Fixed: slash was not importing well when importing Porto Demo contents
- Fixed: 360 degree image viewer element was not working on small screens
- Fixed: Header style issues on Porto Documentation
Version 5.2.2 (March 12th.2020)

+ Added: ajax add to cart on quick view popup
+ Added: Porto Icons and Simple Line Icons in the Elementor Icon Library
+ Added: My Account and Wishlist Icon elements to header builder
- Updated: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0
- Fixed: Wishlist Page style issues on mobile
- Fixed: FontAwesome 5 icon class issue for Header Mini Cart
- Fixed: php errors for some Porto Elementor widgets
- Fixed: minor gutenberg editor style issues on WordPress 5.4
Version 5.2.1 (Feburary 27th.2020)

+ Added: ajax add to cart on quick view popup
+ Added: autoplay option for Porto Products and Porto Product Categories
elements when using slider view
+ Added: layout and columns fields to Porto Product Reviews Widget element

- Updated: compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9.1
- Updated: compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 6.1
- Updated: Custom product layout builder elements by adding product layout and style options to the related and upsells elements, and typography options to the title and price elements
- Updated: Reduced server response time for 50ms

- Fixed: the position issue of related products on single product page
- Fixed: side mobile menu not working well on Galaxy browser
- Fixed: compatibility issues with the latest Yith WooCommerce Wishlist plugin
- Fixed: orderby issue of Porto Product Categories element
- Fixed: categories on shop and categories page not showing when using skeleton screens
- Fixed: skeleton screen loading issue and select box style issue on ie
- Fixed: custom background and color not working when using custom style for button element
- Fixed: style issue of description on product in list shop page
Version 5.2.0 (December 26th.2019)

- Updated: language files
+ Added: a theme option under "Header" to add custom mini cart icon class
+ Added: a letter spacing field for VC Custom Heading, Porto Ultimate Heading and Porto Info Box elements
+ Added: video banner function to Porto Interactive Banner element

- Updated: Shop 3 demo
- Updated: Shop 6 demo
- Updated: Shop 8 demo
- Updated: Shop 9 demo
- Updated: Shop 14 demo
- Updated: Shop 15 demo
- Updated: Shop 16 demo
- Updated: Shop category banners for some shop demos
- Updated: Porto Studio blocks for updated shop demos
- Updated: moved banner title and description field to "Depreciated" tab for Porto Interactive Banner element

- Fixed: wrong page title posittion issue of breadcrumb type 5 when showing page title only
- Fixed: select box's closing icon not displaying in theme options page when pixel ratio is greater than 1
- Fixed: layout issue for right side navigation
- Fixed: minor style issues for porto parent elements in Visual Composer Front end editor
Version 5.1.1 (November 20th.2019)

- Updated: language files
- Fixed: minor style issues for WC Vendors plugin
- Fixed: product order was not working for Porto products elements when using product ids field
- Fixed: quantity input field style issue on single product page which uses custom product layout
- Fixed: Portfolios and members grid layout columns issue for devices using 1.5 pixel ratio
- Fixed: wrong message on woocommerce login form when generating username automatically
Version 5.1.0 (November 09th.2019)

+ Added: Shop 32 Demo
+ Added: Shop 33 Demo
+ Added: custom product layout builder
+ Added: Elementor plugin compatibility
+ Added: skeleton screen effects on loading page and ajax loading. It can be enabled in Theme Options -> General.
+ Added: lazy load menu in Speed Optimize Wizard
+ Added: list display type for porto products filter element
+ Added: porto_sidebar_menu element to add sidebar menu to the page
+ Added: new blocks to Porto Studio for shop 32 and homepage revolution sliders
+ Added: a theme option under Theme Options -> Header -> Mobile Panel -> Add Search Box to add search in mobile panel
+ Added: a theme option under Theme Options -> Header -> Sticky Header -> Show Contact Info to show contact info in sticky header

- Updated: Shop 1 Demo
- Updated: Shop 2 Demo
- Updated: Shop 4 Demo
- Updated: Shop 11 Demo
- Updated: Shop 13 Demo
- Updated: lazy load background images
- Updated: options to enable sticky header for mobile and tablets only
- Updated: used transparent images for png on page loading when using lazy load images
- Updated: Porto Masonry Container element by adding predefined masonry layouts
- Updated: Porto Interactive Banner element by adding layers and more hover effects
- Updated: select box of masonry grid layout fields to images selector for some visual composer elements in editor
- Updated: some Porto Studio blocks for shop 1, 2, 4, 11 and 13 according to the updated design
- Updated: documentation by adding contents about custom product layout builder
- Updated: Woocommerce 3.8.0 compatibility
- Fixed: style issues for Porto Masonry Container and Interactive Banner element in Visual Composer frontend editor
- Fixed: some js warnings on Firefox
- Fixed: WooCommerce product page element not working fine
- Fixed: footer links not working when using footer reveal efffect
- Fixed: minor compatibility issues with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin when using WPML Currency Switcher plugin together
- Fixed: Visual Composer shortcodes rendering issue on product quickview
- Fixed: Porto Tab element image not showing for some styles
- Fixed: Carousel elements not working well in Porto Tour element
- Fixed: minor mobile header style issues for shop demos
Version 4.11.7 (July 22nd.2019)

- Updated: Compatibility with Visual Composer 6.0.4
- Updated: Revslider plugin to 6.0.4
- Updated: Woocommerce files to 3.7 beta version
- Fixed: the spacing issue between elements on visual composer front-end editor
Version 4.9.5 (Feb.26.2019)

  • Updated: google page speed on mobile browsers
  • Updated: FontAwesome to 5.7
  • Updated: display error message on failure of theme update
  • Updated: button element page
  • Added: premium plugin files into main package
  • Fixed: product image issue on wishlist page
  • Fixed: Google rich snippets issue on single product pages
  • Fixed: Grid columns issue on post categories admin page
  • Fixed: infinite loop issue of Porto recent members element on mobile browsers
  • Fixed: quantity input field issue for out of stock product